About Helen

Hi there, I’m Helen! Native Californian from San Diego, California ☀️

Background in science and research with a Bachelor of Science in biology from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a User Experience Design diploma from BrainStation -

With a science background, I was previously pursuing healthcare and healthcare administration, however, I felt as though that did not fit me and my personality. I have always felt as though my creative side was not tapped into in the way that I wanted to, and that is when I discovered the field of UX Design and its vast ways to be creative and empathetic while creating transformative and unique experiences.

I love exploring new food in any city (yes, eating can be a hobby too), trying new coffee shops ☕️, traveling to new destinations with amazing views and architecture, and trying new hobbies and experiences overall!

Some current hobbies I am actively involved in at the moment include DJing, pottery, and photography!